Classroom News


  We are halfway through the school year! Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. Please keep your e-learning packets in your backpack. If we have a snow day, we will be completing the packets one day at a time. 

Communication: I will communicate through Class Dojo, Skyward, and my website. You can reach me at [email protected] or call the school at 815-443-2715. 

Dates to Remember & Goings On in the Classroom

January 4 - School Resumes

January 5 - Ag in the Classroom

January 12 - No School

January 15 - No School 

February 2 - Ag in the Classroom

February 14 - Valentine's Day Party at 2:00 pm

February 19 - No School 

March 7 - Open House and Spring Concert

March 25 - April 1 - Spring Break
